Insights discovery through data value, advanced analytics and data science
¿ Want to build a customer centric company ?
Success stories
Since 2005 we have delivered services to companies in several industries: manufacturing, health, distribution, retail , financial, transportation, and public services.

¿ Is the volume of data adding value to the business?
Your organization may be challenging a specific business case such as an adverse competitive situation, a market fluctuation, an inefficient distribution channel or customer process, a partial knowledge of the customer, uncertain products or services profitability understanding. Between 60% and 70% of the data are not properly used to find solutions to a particular business case. We give value to the data with our methodology Process-Product-Profitability-Collaboration (PPPC) with a market customer centric approach and by building an actionable solution to the business case. And we do it using insight discovery technology tools such as advanced analytics and data science.
The services apply according to the business case definition.

Advanced Analytics
Dashboards and advanced data exploration with augmented intelligence, reports, and visual analysis; intuitive and easy access web services.

CRM and GeoMarketing Intelligence
Expansion plans analysis, potential markets knowledge through more than 30 consumption variables, CRM strategy, competitors analysis, and more; all that at block and neighborhood levels.

inventory optimization
Demand planning and forecast, supply chain and price evaluation using risk models; business scenarios, and models at service levels.

Artificial intelligence
Business prediction models over big data systems, commercial or financial analysis, and insights reports in natural language; automatic opportunities evaluation among thousands of possibilities.

Data Science
Machine learning algorithms development; diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. Smart solutions to solve complex and particular business cases

Profitability optimization
We model big data cost structures to obtain the indirect cost insights and understand them at detailed levels. Know the SKU or customers that decrease the organization’s business value.
Our consultant team has a considerable experience and knowledge in fields such as marketing, costs, innovation, information technology, data science, data security, and project management.
Global Software Solutions Group innovation capabilities have been demonstrated through customer testimonials, and the first place obtained in its category for the program “Desafíos ColombiaCo4”, defined to give solutions at diverse business cases from lead companies at the collaborative innovation program designed by INNPULSA COLOMBIA in 2015.
Partners and team
The following software and data factories, and a great and diverse team of professionals support every business solution implementation:

David Wittenberg
Innovation and entrepreneurship professor, consultant, and corporate trainer

Liliana Bonilla
Manager/Marketing House
Marketing, business development, B2B sales & management – USA

Jairo jurado
Electronic Engineer; apps, mobility and CRM services development

Ricardo A Méndez P
Manager Director / GSSG
Business management, marketing, technology, and data analytics